Quotable Quote of the Month

What does it take for Republicans to take off the flag pin and say, 'I am just too embarrassed to be on this team'?".- Bill Maher

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Eric Boehlert: How Fox News Is Destroying the Republican Party

Late last week on the "County Fair" blog portion of Media Matters, writer Eric Boehlert lays out his case of how Fox "News" is causing the demise of the GOP. You can read the article by following the link below:

How Fox News Is Destroying The Republican Party

I've been watching how Fox has conducted itself during the Obama administration and I'm in agreement with Boehlert's assessment. Although the less than honorable tactics often employed by many at Fox have paid off in regards to ratings, I think they are causing a lot of Republican politicians to say and do things they wouldn't under normal circumstances. The "Fox-ification" of the Republican party is a classic case of the tail wagging the dog. The bottom line is that what's good for Fox isn't necessarily good for the GOP.

Do you think Fox is helping or hurting the Republican Party?


dmarks said...

I know racism when I see it. Like when MSNBC bashes Herman Cain for representing "predatory black sexuality". Or when someone sends me a gallery of Presidential photos in which Obama's is just eyes and teeth on a jet black background.

And I have yet to see anything racist form Malcolm.

As for Malcolm's question, to answer it, we must first go back and answer whether or not the Republican party has been "destroyed". Vote wise, it is successful. If it were falling apart, then I might be looking for some force to blame for it.

pjazzypar said...

To wonderchris: I know for a fact that Malcolm is the furthest thing from a racist. If you don't like the blog, no one has a gun to your head making you read it. Simply MOVE ON!!! You will not be allowed to dictate what is written about on this blog... Hitler.

To Malcolm: Yes Fox New definitely hurts the Republican Party. They come off as freakin cry babies, always moaning and complaining

wonderchris said...


Thanks for proving my point.

So if I don't agree with your RACISM, I'm a Hitler?

pjazzypar said...

That you are Chris (Hitler). If you want to play dictator don't get angry when you are called out for it. You have many choices in the blogsphere, if you don't like the conversation here, kick rocks!

BB-Idaho said...

I'd agree, FoxNews has helped to
splinter the GOP. They have hired
many big GOP politicians, catered
to the far right minority and somehow managed to convince their
minions that 'mainstream media' is
unfair. Not good for the GOP, not
good for the country...

Malcolm said...

wonderchris: Although I have no concrete proof, I suspect you are the malcontented blogger I've had run-ins with in the past. I wouldn't be surprised if you were also the person who has posted similar vile comments here under various names. If it is you, I'd think you'd at least alter the insane rhetoric a bit to go with the various name changes.

Whoever you are, you have some serious mental issues. I suggest you step away from the computer and get the help you desperately need.

dmarks: Thanks for the support. I don't think the Republican party has been destroyed. I don't think Eric Boehlert thinks it has been either (based on this use of the word "destroying" instead of "destroyed"). Because the GOP hasn't destroyed, they have time to wrestle the reins from Fox and change course. If President Obama is re-elected, I think the GOP and its base will have to do some serious soul searching and question whether or not the Fox-ification of the party is the way to go.

Pjazzy: Thank you for your support as well. It kills me how wonderchris accuses me of being obsessed with race when it was they who needlessly injected into this discussion.

You're right about Fox. I was watching "Fox News Watch" yesterday and was shaking my head at how Cal Thomas and James Pinkerton kept playing the victim card.

BB-Idaho: Thanks for stopping by. The way Fox has a grip on some of its viewers, it's cult-like. Conservative pundits like Joe Scarborough and David Frum see what's happening. Unfortunately, some of the minions portray them as RINOs just because they dare speak out against the almighty Fox.

Josh said...

LMAO @ Malcolm's troll.

Although I know Malcolm and I view "racism" and race in general differently, I don't recall ever running across a "stupid racial" post here.

I'm a fly-by commenter for sure; my own blog was a hobby turned boring, fruitless, failed venture. But whenever I stop by here, I fail to see what you see, Trollerchris.

As to Fox News destroying the Republican party: No. It's ideological. Left wing (or opposite of right wing; whichever fits) isn't a starting point, like the author seems to contend.

Believing that one's outlook on the world is neutral when it's not turns a point of disagreement into a point of contention and ultimately a lie.

I'm hella guilty of that myself on occasion, but I don't approach life insisting that it's my way or ruin.

Malcolm said...

Josh: In regards to the troll (it's a "wonderchris" has the sense to come out of the rain), thanks for the support.

I don't think Eric Boehlert is saying right-wing ideals are leading to the destruction of the GOP. In the article he states that "Fox News isn't simply offering a rightward take on the day's events, or innocently providing Republican-friendly commentary".

For someone who votes Republican, I'd think you'd be a little more concerned about how Fox is now behind the wheel when it comes to the right-leaning narrative. Does it bother you that many of the outrageous attacks against President Obama/liberals in general (birtherism, race baiting, claiming he/we hate this country,etc.) have become mainstream on the right side of the aisle?

Josh said...

With Romney, Newt and Santorum, I'm not sure if I'm voting Republican or not.

Bring back Ross Perot. (Although Romney is a moderate; it's shameful that he's pretending to be a conservative.)

And as to attacks against Obama, they honestly might bother me more if I weren't so desensitized from the 2000-2008 all-out assault a previous president dealt with.

The shoe's just on the other foot now. And boding well for Obama and his supporters is the fact that it's only a few shoes and not an entire store full of them.

This is what the American Presidency has devolved into.

Malcolm said...

Josh: In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, I think most Americans got behind Bush (even many of his biggest critics). What turned many people against Bush was when reports came out that he knew Saddam didn't have WMDs. Although some of the criticism against Bush crossed the line, I think most of it was policy related.

You are partially right when you say the shoe is on the other foot. However, once the righties took off the shoe, they filled it with rusty nails. If you are saying the criticism President Obama has received is on par with that directed at Bush, I think it's false equivalency. As I said, Bush was attacked. However, it's not even close to what President Obama has faced. Independents help decide elections and I doubt most of them are buying the relentless attacks, race baiting, and flat-out lies the right has been hurling at President Obama.

Anonymous said...

Illuminating neo-republicans as the loons they are? Yes, Fox has been wonderful....keep up the good work Fox News!

dmarks said...

And it reveals at least as much about the blind hypocritical politicians on the other side.