One of the most miraculous and lasting memories that I will carry from this election season is seeing people, from all walks of life, from every background, of every color, creed, race, and of both genders, gather together to fight for a common cause. During my volunteering at the campaign headquarters, I met the most amazing people. People who shared my passion, but who looked different than me. Was I surprised at this? A little...until I heard them talk, and listened to their reasoning. This didn't have anything to do with Obama's skin color and had everything to do with his ability to spark a flame within all of us to want to become better. After living through 8 years of divisiveness, we all shared a common desire for someone who was going to unite us...someone who was going to remain a steady influence on bringing us all together for the greater good.
In the 40 + years since Dr. King was assassinated, I think that we have lost sight of what the dream he so eloquently spoke of. Or maybe we look at it in a narrow vision, limiting ourselves and limiting what we can do to change the world around us. The election of Obama is not the recognition of King's dream...I do, however, believe that it is an extension of it.
As an extension of Dr. King's dream, that means there is work to be done. We must all start with ourselves and make commitments and changes that put us out in our communities to get our hands in the mix. This world will continue to grow...I want to be a part of that. I owe that to my son, and to myself.
We have not erased the division of race that separates us, nor can we sweep it under the carpet and ignore the ugly head of racism when it rears its head. Electing a Black President doesn't automatically eradicate the disease; if anything it calls it to the forefront, begging for attention, discussion, solutions. It is my hope that we are walking through the door to equality, but it is a reality that there are several more doors to walk through. Dr. King and Obama have given us something to emulate...but we have to aspire and know that we ourselves can attain the existence of standing in that place where the dream has been achieved.

Happy MLK Day to you! Oh how I wish Dr. King could be at the inauguration just to see a piece of his dream come to fruition. I keep telling my folks that when we wake up on January 20, 2009 it will still be the same world as it was on January 19th. Sure Obama will be in the White House and I am lovin that for real, but the bottom line is that the institutionalized racism, sexism, ageism, classism, and generational tribalism will still exist. Thanks for getting the dialogue started.
I am so excited to see Barack Obama sworn in tomorrow that I don't even think I can express it in words.
Obama has a gift of being able to speak to everyone because he speaks to one's heart, not to any one's skin color. I, truly, would be disappointed in anyone who could not hear his words and feel his passion for this country and who simply voted for him because of his skin color.
When I see Barack Obama, I see a brilliant man who I know will do this country proud. I have never been so excited to see anyone elected President before. He is a gift to all of us, no matter what race box we check on any form.
Pjazzy - I am such a mixture of emotions right now...and I share your wish of Dr. King being able to see this Inauguration...
The Rock Chick - I totally agree with everything you've said...
I am glad that he finally got in office.
I am too, Mike...
This post was an excellent way to get things started. I am like you in that this past election was memorable because it got more people involved in the political process. One of my older brothers either voted for the first time or the first time in years (I forget which). There seems to be a feeling of optimism again, similar to the way I hear people talk about the Kennedy administration.
I just hope that Obama's victory hasn't lulled some people into a false sense of security. I look at his win as just the beginning because we as a nation still have a way to go.
Malcolm - Thank you for your kind words and the invitation to join this diverse group of folks trying to open up a dialogue.
I'm sure those that were just in it for the excitement have gone about their way, but those of us that still feel the need to do better, to be better know that the train does not stop at Inauguration Day and that there is more to do.
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