Quotable Quote of the Month

What does it take for Republicans to take off the flag pin and say, 'I am just too embarrassed to be on this team'?".- Bill Maher

Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Tale of Two Michel(l)es

During her husband's race for the White House in 2008, soon-to-be First Lady Michelle Obama made a controversial comment about her being proud of her country for the first time in her adult life.  In the 2011 clip below, Melissa Harris-Perry discusses how the media portrayed Ms. Obama's comments vs. similar ones made by Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann. You may be wondering why I'm posting about a topic that should be dead and buried. The reason is because while most people have either forgiven or forgotten about Michelle's statements, people on the right like my good friend "dmarks" can't let it go.

Here's my question for the righties who continue to trash Michelle Obama for this: How is what she said any different from the comments made by Congresswoman Bachmann?

By the way, happy belated 49th birthday to Ms. Obama (who is rocking the bangs quite nicely).

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dmarks said...

I think the statements are very similar. Do you?

kithogan said...

You people sound like the biggest hypocrites in earth! You have the gall to call the First Lady beautiful, and fit... even a girdle could contain that gigantic stomach and her fat behind. And she eats like a starving cow so much for “healthy eating”.
This blogger is such a racist Hypocrite who would you to be the kettle or the pot?
Ever hear the saying about people who live in Glass Houses should not throw Stones?. Well, someone should tell her about it. I couldn’t care less about her or anything she says, she should be called The First Hypocrite, not the First Lady! This blog is SO bias it made me laugh.
And by the way Mr. Progressive, what has Obama done for black people? I think that he has done more for illegal Mexicans then he has for Blacks. But you are to blind and drank too much of his koolaide to realize that. Chew on this! 96% of African-Americans voted for this guy, ask yourself why. You and the majority of the blacks voters in America just go to the polls blindly give their support to a man ONLY because he is black.

Kithogan said...

I don’t give a flying fig about Michelle, When she said it she meant it.
I always believed and still do that she is full of herself. As for that comment about The first time in her adult being proud of American, she said it and she meant it, and now the Progressives like you are trying to wiggle out of it as you always do whenever your side says something stupid, like Hillary and Biden ALWAYS do.
The bottom line is that she has not been proud of her country before this campaign, and she is a hypocrite in just about everything she says and does. Lets face it, what the hell has Obama done in the past 4 years? He is long on his BS speeches but falls short on specifics..
America owes 48 trillion, China still undersells us. Jobs are still be outsourced to India, and all over the 3rd world countries. . Iran will win under Obama, his sanctions are meaningless. Sanctions in Iran don't work, period. And Iran will definitely get their nuclear weapons, no matter how Biden lies about it even with his stupid as disrespectful grins. Resulting in two more middle east wars with nukes in the mix. Japanese vehicles will still outsell American vehicles. America will still be dependent on middle east oil, millions of Americans will still be without health care, taking more from the achieves won’t make a damn of a difference even if it’s the most socialistic thing ever done to Americans. . So what change are you talking about? Where is the improvement under Obama? Somebody? Anybody?
I will always be proud of this country, no matter what Michele Obama says, but I long for the day she and The Emperor are out of my life. And I have news for the President and the Vice President just incase they haven found it out for themselves yet. Israel is our friend and Iran is our enemy.

dmarks said...

Mr. Anger Management Issues: While you have good points about Obamacare (which has indeed caused healthcare costs to go up, people to lose their insurance, and people to lose work hours and pay due to penalties imposed on employers), you need a lot of help elsewhere. Mr Obama has confronted Iranian aggression no less than GWB, and he has also supported Israel strongly.

Your first paragraph bashing Michello O for her appearance and supposed eating habits reminds of the attention Shaw devotes to bashing Limbaugh for how he looks. It casts a shadow of juvenility on the rest of your argument, and does not put you in good company.

You'd do well to read some of what Dr. King said about hate. It is indeed possible to oppose the President's policies without being a maniac about it.

Kithogan said...

Oh please Mr. Dmarks stop with the excuses and for heavens sake stop with the Bush comparisons. First off, Iran was NOT the threat that it is now when Bush was in office, and for Oboze and his VP to say that Iran is no where near ready to have a bomb is just insane. Should we wait until they are ready? Is that your solution?
And as for Israel being our friend, just ask any Israeli if they feel that way. And my bashing Moochele's looks is my answer to this blooger's post. And I stand by it. Did you feel the same way when all these phoney bleeding hearts bashed Saral Palin and the FREAKS that insulted her and her children? I'd bet not.
This pathetic socialists actually think he has answers? And his pathetic progressive followers really think that he can walk on water! He continues to divide and destroy this country with his socialist unworkable fiscal programs that cannot work or be paid for.
He continues to run up our debt at over a trillion a year and calls it a solution ?
What a nauseating con artist and failure this clown is. He has absolutely no idea how to lead but is wonderful at name calling and dividing America. I can remember when it was not to long ago that America was the leader of the free world, and where are we now? We are the laughing stock of the Communist world. And in dept up to Obozo’s flapping ears. And the stupid Liberals are still clinging to Hope and Change. Lots of luck with that. But rejoice, the First Moocher has a new haircut.

Phil Falcone said...

Great little rant Dmarks including your usual humor as well but unfortunately liberals don't get humor. I do fear though that we are headed for lots of BIG problems here in the Good Ole USA.. Instead of Mr. Obama’s healing racial tensions and moving on as Americans united despite varying skin colors, the left is fixated on stirring the pot and using any means necessary to promote anarchy, but this is what socialists do. The race card is the liberals most valuable as well as their most used tool. Obama and his bunch of lackeys are hell bent on destroying the America as we knew her. He even had the gaul to say that he wanted to “Re-Shape America” Well my friend he is succeeding. And the suckers who believe in him are the real problem. We had the greatest chance in getting rid of this cancer last November, I personally thought it was going to be a Slam Dunk, and as we know, it wasn’t and we are screwed for another 4 years (at least). There have been more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil by these allegedly calmed Muslims in Obama's first 18 months in office than in the six years under Bush after he invaded Iraq. And the left is still blaming Bush.
The residents of the White House, along with their socialists, Marxists, hate preachers, race baiters, environmental wackos, issuers of death sentence to the elderly and financial thieves,, liars, Islam lovers, Constitution defilers, treasonous fanatics, have the media in their back pocket and are conducting open warfare on every aspect of American life.

dmarks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dmarks said...

And who am I addressing? You are using three names here.

Malcolm said...

dmarks: Yes I think their comments are similar. That was the point of this post. Since you also think their comments are similar, why do you think Michelle got the harsher treatment? Also, do you think Michele Bachmann made a terrible gaffe when she said her faith in America had been restored?

Kit: I would say you have issues. However, it's more like a lifetime subscription. You accuse progressives of throwing stones, while going on the attack in the same comment. You foolishly claim that a majority of Blacks voted for President Obama because of his race. You go off on an incoherent rant, yet failed to answer the question I asked in this post.

Phil: The fact that you thought last year's presidential election would be a slam dunk for your side just shows how insulated you are within the conservative bubble. Predictably, just as Kit did, you also failed to answer the question I asked in the post. Of course, I'm assuming that you and "Kit" are different people.

dmarks said...

Malcolm: Why did/does Michelle get the harsher treatment? Because she has persisted. Bachmann was just a flash in the pan, and had what was it, 2 or 3 months of fame?

"Also, do you think Michele Bachmann made a terrible gaffe..."

I do.

Malcolm said...

dmarks: Michele Bachmann a flash in the pan?! I don't think so. She has been on the national scene for almost 5 years. Even her presidential campaign had her in the public eye longer than 2-3 months.

dmarks said...

I am re posting my earlier deleted comment, with something I consider irrelevant removed:

"And I stand by it. Did you feel the same way when all these phoney bleeding hearts bashed Saral Palin and the FREAKS that insulted her and her children? I'd bet not. "

Oh yes. I did indeed. but you have no idea. You are just making nothing but assumptions about everyone, guy with three names.

dmarks said...

And to answer Mr. Bondon:

"Michele Bachmann a flash in the pan?! I don't think so. "

Maybe that is not the best wording from me. How about that she is much less important than the involved and popular First Lady?

"Even her presidential campaign had her in the public eye longer than 2-3 months. "

Well, that I will scoff at. That puts her in the company with has-beens like Newt Gingrich, a real flash in the (pizza) pan like Herman Cain, and others during that period who got real popular in the pre-primary and early primary phase and then fell back.

dmarks said...

Malcolm: A perfect opportunity from the above comment to criticize a racist (i.e. he thinks it is fun to use the 'cracker' word) who happens to be on your side :)

But if you don't, I understand. It is apparent from his evident low intellect that whether or not anyone else stands with him, he'd not much like you at all.

Malcolm said...

Hi guys. Sorry for my delayed responses.

dmarks: There's no question Michelle Obama is more prominent than Michele Bachmann. However, if one is offended by Mrs. Obama's comment, I don't see how they can be less offended by Rep. Bachmann's just because she is less prominent.

As for the clown show which was last year's GOP presidential nominee pool, the fact that the people you mentioned were all leading in the polls at one point shows just how far the party has fallen.

Since you put a smiley face at the end of your comment, I'll assume you were joking about me calling out Question Man for his so-called racism. :-)

Question Man: I wouldn't call everyone who's glad they didn't watch the inauguration a racist. The irrational hatred directed at the Obamas is another story though.

Side note about the inauguration: On that day, me and some of my relatives were at the hospital because one of my older brothers was getting surgery on his leg. The TV in the waiting room was on USA (a rerun of NCIS). I asked if anyone was watching it because I wanted to turn to the inauguration. Since I didn't see anyone raise their hand, I changed the channel. Later on, my sister said a woman half raised her hand (which I didn't see). Oops... I felt kinda bad. Oh well.

dmarks said...

"As for the clown show which was last year's GOP presidential nominee pool, the fact that the people you mentioned were all leading in the polls at one point shows just how far the party has fallen."

Respectfully, that is mere partisan rancor. The exact same thing can be said from the other side for each time the Democratic Nomination is wide open.

I was joking about Question Man. But are you joking when you refer to his "so-called" racism, when he uses blatant racial slurs in his diatribes? How can it be "so called"

"The irrational hatred directed at the Obamas is another story though."

Take away the racism directed at them, and the racism fueling dislike of them, and you would still have 99% of the dislike for them remaining. Chalk it up to "partisan rancor". The Clintons received this, too. As did GWB. It is quite erroneous to look at the same sort of partisan rancor as directed at each of them, and only say it is racist when it is directed at Obama.

"Question Man: I wouldn't call everyone who's glad they didn't watch the inauguration a racist"

I'm glad I didn't watch it. I'm glad I didn't watch the previous one. I'm glad I didn't watch Bush's and Clinton's either.

dmarks said...

Malcolm, now back to Question Man. I wonder if we have been "had". He is so over-the-top that I wonder if he is a conservative troll making up and acting as the worst sort of left-wing black racist.

Lets look at this statement from him: "As expected the hateful scumbags who HATE Obama ARE the biggest racists in American History."

American history? Really? Has he ever heard of Nathan Bedford Forrest? Bull Connor? Robert E. Lee? And here Question Man claims that hardcore anti-Obama people such as Leticia are much worse racists than these two men. He's like a cartoon.

"All the others who are “glad” that they didn’t watch it are, racists and bigots."

Now he is calling the scores of tens of millions who worked that day, including myself, racists.

The rest of his rant is just an unintelligent bellow. Like someone who is making up and act to try to make a group look bad.

Trekkie4Ever said...

I am going to get hammered but Michelle Bachman never said it was "the first time in her adult life she was proud to be an American."

I was hearing that she was disappointed in her nation at one point, which is a big difference. I think most of us can actually say that we have been disappointed in our nation, I know I have been.

Malcolm said...

dmarks: There's no partisanship coming from me. I took a look back at recent Democratic Party presidential primaries and found no examples which compared to the clown show of the GOP 2012. I'm not talking about simply running for president. People like Gingrich, Cain, and Bachmann not only ran, but were considered serious candidates. All 3 of them came in 1st in various polls and 1 of them actually won a primary!

There's a reason I referred to the racial slurs as "so-called". Did he call someone a cracker or did he just use the term? To see what I'm getting at, here is the link to a blog post I wrote in 2011:


If he directed it at someone, he was wrong. However, since you seem to be keeping a tally, I'm hoping you can provide some context.

As for Question Man, you could be on to something because "his" rhetoric is over the top. One of the downsides of the Internet is that people can hide behind anonymity.

Leticia: You didn't let me down... I figured you'd find a way to give Michele a pass. At running the risk of getting into semantics, you misquoted Michelle Obama. What she said was:

"For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."

I think it's reasonable to question what both women meant by their statements. After Mrs. Obama made hers, Obama campaign spox Bill Burton was asked for a response. He said, “Of course Michelle is proud of her country, which is why she and Barack talk constantly about how their story wouldn’t be possible in any other nation on Earth. What she meant is that she’s really proud at this moment because for the first time in a long time, thousands of Americans who’ve never participated in politics before are coming out in record numbers to build a grassroots movement for change."

Although I feel that's a reasonable response, you'll likely disagree. As for Bachmann's comments, to the best of my knowledge she has never given clarity. My questions are: When did Bachmann lose her faith in America? Was it only restored because she won a straw poll in Iowa?

dmarks said...

He called people crackers. Yes, "clown show" is partisan. I read that kind of thing from conservatives about liberal candidates. Hard to get more clowny than Biden, anyway.

Malcolm said...

dmarks: As we often do, we'll have to agree to disagree. I will say that if your side rolls out another clown show for the 2016 race like they did for 2012, it's going to be another "L" for you guys.

dmarks said...

Might be true, if your clowns on "your side" end up being so bad they get tossed in prison, like Blago and Kwame.

But I'm sure you will have the Mousse Rocket run again. Yes, Al Sharpton. He usually pegs the needle at 3 or 4 on the Bozometer when it comes to measuring the clown factor.

Malcolm said...

dmarks: Your deeming "clown show" as being partisan sounds like projection to me. It sounds to me that you are using the term against the Democrats no matter who's running.

Just to be clear, if I was a Republican, I'd be embarrassed by what the GOP served up in the way of presidential candidates last year. I wouldn't be surprised if there were moments during the primaries last year when you cringed.

Also, I'm not labeling every GOP primary pool as a clown show. Case in point, 1996 and 2000.

As for the Rev. Al Sharpton running again, I doubt that will happen. He seems to be content hosting his MSNBC show and partaking in other endeavors.

dmarks said...

"Just to be clear, if I was a Republican, I'd be embarrassed by what the GOP served up in the way of presidential candidates last year. "

And yes I have heard fellow people on my side of the aisle say the same thing about "if they were a Democrat". And like you they use the clown show pejorative for anyone who happens to be on the other side.

"Also, I'm not labeling every GOP primary pool as a clown show. Case in point, 1996 and 2000. "

2000... lets see, so what you are telling me is that Steve Forbes, Gary Bauer, Alan Keyes, and Pat Buchanan are not a clown show. but Gingrich, Bachmann, Cain, and Santorum are?

"[Sharpton] seems to be content hosting his MSNBC show and partaking in other endeavors. "

I'm not so sure I'd be happy with a hosting job on a failed network that is just a step up from public access cable.

Malcolm said...

dmarks: "And yes I have heard fellow people on my side of the aisle say the same thing about "if they were a Democrat". And like you they use the clown show pejorative for anyone who happens to be on the other side."

Your comment makes no sense. I clearly cited two years in which I didn't think the GOP pool was a clown show. It seems like you just want to argue for the sake of arguing. If I come back and say 2000 WAS a clown show are you going to turn around and give reasons why it wasn't?! Come on man!

As for your comments about MSNBC, I can't believe you're playing the ratings card. Although it trails Fox by a substantial margin, MSNBC is #2 in cable news. Also, "The Rachel Maddow Show" has broken through to the top 10 among cable news programs. Finally, MSNBC over the past year has been expanding their original programming (particularly over the weekends). If you want to consider MSNBC a failure that's a step up from public access, have at it.