I believe that I've told you that I live in a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri. I love living here and have never felt like an outsider. It is a friendly, welcoming neighborhood where the people are helpful and actually smile at you when you are in the store. I moved here for the schools, so my son would not be set up for failure, as I felt he was in the school district of Kansas City. So far, I've been very happy here.
Until I got that e-mail last week.
You see, I, along with every other parent in our school district, received an e-mail outlining the details of President Obama's speech today. As parents, we were told that participating in the speech was not a mandatory assignment, and any relating assignments were not mandatory either. The teacher emphasized that the discussions would not include any of his/her own political views, and if parents did not want their child to participate, they would be given an alternate assignment to complete in the Library.
I call bullshit.
I really cannot fault the school district or the teacher...they are simply trying to cover their asses. This whole situation, however, is weighing heavily on me. Why does it have to be like this? Why so much furor over the President addressing our students to stay focused on their school work and strive to be better?
All of this talk about President Obama trying to push his agenda on the children is a bunch of bullshit. These are just excuses to mask what the true issue is. It has been 8 months since President Obama took office and the opposition still cannot grasp the fact that the President does not look like his predecessors. I never thought that I would give in to the "racism" theory, but I have no other answer at this point. All of the socialism, Marxism, whatever-ism talk is code for the fact that there are some folks out there that cannot accept the fact that we have a biracial President.
And that saddens me to no end.
But the school thing? I have taken the stand that my son will be there, front and center. And he will not only complete the main assignment, but turn in the extra credit assignment as well.
The best way to fight ignorance is with education. It is my job to ensure that my son has that education. It is too bad that the parents who decide that their children shouldn't listen to this speech don't feel that way.
originally posted @ Conversations With Marva
seems some folks only want their kids to be educated or talked to by people who share their political affiliation...but how do they know what party their kids' teacher belongs to?
Janet...you raise an interesting point.
What if the teachers were atheists? Or supporters of the legalization of marijuana? Or proponents of gay marriage?
All of this leads me to believe that political affiliation is only the tip of the iceberg as to why folks have an issue with the President's speech.
The initial buzz/feigned outrage was about that list of tasks to be accomplished along with the President's speech.
Teachers were being told to tell students to write down different ways in which they can "help" President Obama.
That was eventually changed, the speech became available to read, the "rules" of the speech seemed to become more general and less demanding, and the controversy actually stopped all but on MSNBC and a few other outlets.
You can call it racism if you want. Some insist that simply not voting for Obama was racism. Others insist only a racist would disagree with his vision.
I envy the trust and faith that some people have put in a man. I can't even put that much of myself in a god.
Some other people, however, see something they do not like. Perhaps it is the color of his skin. But perhaps it's everything else that these people have also stood against when it was Clinton and Carter; the same policies and ideology that they've revolted against when held by anyone, including people in power now, like Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Schumer, etc.
People forget that it's not only about Obama. The same people "hating on" Obama rip progressive liberalism to shreds as a whole. (Exclude Clinton -- he was a basic liberal.)
I have a few questions about this "racism" thing though:
If all these people opposing Obama and his actions are racists, then why the need for code language?
Do you know why people claim Obama is a Marxist?
Why is opposition going out of its way to debate ideology and principle, and why won't admin. supporters debate back?
What are they scared of, these racists; there are millions of them, right?
I wrote a whole retort to your opinion, but erased it. I erased it because I do not wish to get into a dialogue about who's right and who's wrong...
But I will say this: I have respect for anyone who firmly stands on what they believe in, as long as those beliefs are not based in fear of the unknown or ignorance.
Respect for my country includes respect for its elected officials. I disliked everything about President Bush...but I respected him.
I only expect the same now that we have a new President. And bringing up all of these arguments on whether President Obama is a socialist, or a Marxist, or whatever, is disrespectful. I can't change what people believe, but I also can't help but look at it and not see any proof.
That is where my problem lies. Yes, there are millions of racists, of all colors and creeds...and I would ask you the same question: what are they scared of?
Obama got off easy, in my opinion. They gave it to Bush (H. W.) like there was no tomorrow. The Post came out and called the speech a phony plot to exploit children. And after the speech, actual hearings were held to grill Bush for the 20-some thousand he spent to broadcast it, not to mention they tried to bring Bush officials up on criminal charges for the "legality" of the speech. I believe even the teacher's union denounced the speech. Wow.
This stuff happens to every President and politician in general. It could be that more people are paying attention--and It's certainly that more media exists to relay messages--now that Obama is in there.
People may be wrong about Obama being a socialist. Heck, I don't know. I still have no clue who he is. All I know is that his words and actions are going in opposite directions.
He suggested, in his own words, that you needn't look further than the people he surrounds himself with to see where he stands.
There are radicals around him. There is solid, hard, unwavering proof of that. (I'll leave it alone there...)
Maybe other people see "proof" of Obama personally the same way some see "proof" of racism in dissention.
I think that tells a story about just how separated we still are in America.
There's no attempt to bridge the gap in the mainstream by either side. Both hammer the wedge in.
But personally, I don't see the difference in how Obama is being treated compared to any other President. And I think they're ALL hacks, but that's neither here nor there. :P
Even everyone's favorite pundit Beck tore into GW.
Your call of bullshit is right. It's more than a bit ironic that some parents chose to pull their kids out of school on Tuesday while President Obama gave a speech urging students to stay in school. I'm not one to holler racism at every turn, but one would have to be naive to think that the skin color of our president isn't at the root of why some people were upset about the speech.
President have been giving pep talk to student for awhile now, Bush senior requested kids to write down different ways in which they can "help" the country. Thats on documented on tape. The speech is a plain vanilla pep talk to kids, how anyone can find it offensive is questionable.
No strike that there is no question about it to me, for people to condem the President of the United States for giving a speech to school kids, while it's been done before, to request to "approve" the President's speech, to threaten to pull your kids out of school if they televise it, the motivation behind this is crystal clear to me...........
Great post and the facts, yes, I said facts you've covered in your post are most definitely true. It's not about any of the "bullshit" his opposition is referencing, it's because he DOES NOT look like his predecessors.
I can only remain hopeful and prayerful. This growing movement of opposition is becoming more and more dangerous (for him) as each day passes. Maybe if someone's acts a big enough nut and forces the Secret Service to pop a cap in their ass...the remaining members of the "lynch mob" will go home.
I just stopped in after seeing your comment on Rev's site. I agree with this post 100% and applaud you for taking action while so many others will sit quietly by or stand around and complain.
My history includes growing up with many cultures and after nearly 1/2 of a century I found my soulmate - a black woman from a southern state. (I am a northern grown white man) Neither of us expected this to happen to us as individuals and this was both of our first relationship outside our own race.
Keep fighting the good fight. I am with you and look forward to visiting your site again and again.
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