Remember the old adage, you are only as good as the company you keep? Now I have to question the veracity of Tenesssee State Senator Diana Black, whose administrative assistant an e-mail on May 28 with the title "Historical Keepsake Photo". The e-mail featured a a collage containing the portraits of all 44 U.S. presidents with an image of President Barack Obama in the last square as two cartoonish white eyes peering from a black background. The e-mail, which was sent to other GOP staff members, was posted on the Internet on Monday.
Sherri Goforth, an administrative assistant in questions excuse was that she mistakenly sent it "to the wrong list of people". DUH! Gorforth was apparently "reprimanded" but according to Black, will not receive further punishment... unless of course she accidentally sends another racist e-mail "to the wrong list of people." Should Ms. Goforth be fired?
Oh that just made me ill.
A change of subject...but in case you ddn't see this article abut a memo between Bush and Blair...I thought I'd get it to you. I thought of this blog....and a couple of blog pals when I read it...check it out!
Sending it to the "wrong list" implies she has a right list? I would suggest she be required to attend Nashville's Scarritt-Bennett Dialogue Circle.
Dialogue Circles are comprised of 8-12 diverse individuals who meet regularly for two hours a week for between 4 and 7 weeks to dialogue about critical issues. By having trained facilitators lead the groups, each individual is able to share their feelings, opinion, and thoughts in an OPEN and HONEST way in an environment free of being attacked, defensive, or critical. Each person has a voice in the dialogue and by listening to the diverse perspective of others, participants gain valuable insight that can lead to change or a better understanding of their own and others views.
Then, fire her.
I like how Judi thinks (LOL). On a serious note, I do very much like the idea of a dialogue circle. Sounds like a concept that might prove benefical to a number of cities and communities.
Hi Candy, Thanks for posting the article. I am not surprised at all by what was contained in the article, except for possibly Tony Blair's part in it (but then again maybe not).
Judi, That's the thing, she meant to send it to her pals (lol). I'll bet when she realized what she had done her heart sank. That is an excellent idea about attending the Nashville's Scarritt-Bennett Dialogue Circle.
Lori, Your are right. I can think of some Northern and Southern communities that might benefit from the Dialogue Circle.
I think her employers need to give her a slip, preferably colored pink. Her excuse makes me wonder how many racist emails she had previously sent to "the right list of people".
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